

  1. Border Security
  2. Case Studies in Clandestine Operations
  3. Climate Security
  4. Complex Security
  5. Counter-Terrorism
  6. Disaster and Emergency Security
  7. Food Security
  8. Health and Medicine Security
  9. Human Resource Security
  10. Hybrid Security Threats
  11. Infrastructure Security
  12. International Migration
  13. Local, Regional and International Crisis and Emergency Strategies
  14. Logistics and Supply Chain
  15. Maritime Security Threats
  16. Natural Resources Security
  17. Nuclear Power Security
  18. Space Security
  19. The Role of Intelligence in Security
  20. Transportation Security (Road, Marine, Aviation etc. Local, Regional and International)
  21. Water Security
  22. Any other related Topics


  1. Circular Economies
  2. Competition in Digital Economies
  3. Economic Fraud and Security
  4. Economic Strategic Affairs
  5. Investment Security and Strategy
  6. Local and Cross-Cultural Trade Cooperations and Warfare
  7. Monetary Cooperation Security and Strategy
  8. Rights of Exclusive Economic Zones
  9. Sovereign Funds in Defense
  10. Any other related Topics


  1. Human Rights
  2. International Cooperation Through Regional Organizations
  3. Rules of Military Engagement
  4. Setting up Regional and International Alliances
  5. Sovereignty of States
  6. The Law of Peace
  7. The Rule of Law
  8. Unlawful uses of Military Power and Tools of Warfare
  9. Any other related Topics

Peace and Conflict Resolution

  1. Cases of Resolved Conflicts
  2. Frozen Conflicts
  3. Methodologies and Strategies of Peace and Conflict Resolution
  4. Protection of the Individual
  5. Resolution of Conflicts
  6. Role of International Organizations in Peace
  7. Strategies in Negotiating Peace
  8. The Abraham Accord
  9. Any other related Topics

Military Affairs

  1. Clandestine Operations Lessons to be Learned
  2. Defense Strategic Planning
  3. Hybrid Alliances in Defense
  4. Hybrid Threats in Military Operations
  5. Instability of the International Security Environment
  6. Military Cooperation
  7. Military Industrial Development
  8. Military Intelligence
  9. Military Preparedness and Capabilities
  10. Military to Civilian Relation
  11. Robotics and Genetics in Military environments
  12. Space Defense Forces
  13. Strategies in Mapping Military Operations
  14. Any other related Topics

Technology and Cyber-Security

  1. 5G and 6G Communication and Infrastructure
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Cloud Computing
  4. Counter-Intelligence in Cyber-Space
  5. Cryptography in the Field of Strategic Operations
  6. Cyber-Intelligence
  7. Dark Web
  8. Digital Risk Mitigation
  9. Genetics and Engineering
  10. Network Operations and Security
  11. Risk Assessments
  12. Smart Cities and Defense
  13. Tech Infrastructure
  14. Any other related Topics

Diplomacy and international affairs

  1. Diplomacy in the Gulf
  2. Future Operations and Diplomacy
  3. Geopolitics and Strategy
  4. Hard Power Theories and Practical Applications
  5. Knowledge Transfer in Diplomacy
  6. Protocol and Strategies of Negotiations
  7. Public Relations in Diplomacy
  8. Soft Power Theories and Practical Applications
  9. The UN framework of Negotiations
  10. Any other related Topics